Humanitarian & development aid from Ireland to the Kingdom of Lesotho

For children from homes with no food
sustainable horticulture projects in the community
are employed following our training
and HIV-positive patients
lives on less than €2 a day
Action Lesotho is an Irish NGO whose aim is to bring much needed humanitarian and development aid from Ireland to the Kingdom of Lesotho. Our work is carried out in the spirit of service to others, by which we mean that all the work in Ireland, from board members to our committed volunteers, is carried out without payment or any financial reward. Nobody in Ireland draws a wage. This ensures the vast majority of your donations go to our projects on the ground in Lesotho and towards supporting our fully Basotho staff there.
Lesotho itself is a beautiful, mountainous country entirely surrounded by South Africa. It is also one of the poorest countries in the world. Nearly half the population live on less than €2 a day. For most of these people, every day is a hungry day. Over the past twenty years, Lesotho has suffered the ravages of the AIDS epidemic which has decimated the productive middle generation, infected over a quarter of the population and reduced life expectancy to 42 years – the lowest in the world. The most urgent needs are for food, income and healthcare.
The core objective of Action Lesotho is to break this cycle of poverty by providing people with the skills needed to access employment, create their own jobs, grow their own food, and by meeting the humanitarian needs of the most disadvantaged in their communities. We achieve this by creating compact and cost-effective projects that alleviate the suffering of the very poor.
We have no political or religious affiliations. We are group of people from diverse backgrounds, of varied ages, professions and backgrounds who believe in a sense of fair play for those with no support and few opportunities to elevate themselves above their current situation. We are bound together by our shared vision of how these problems can best be addressed.